Only two weeks left on the semester.
I'm nervous about it. There's a lot of work that's due and only two weeks left, along with one week for finals. I hope I do well; I've been studying very hard, but I STILL feel like I should be doing more!!! I guess I ALWAYS feel like I should be doing more.
I'm taking Chemistry and Microbiology next semester, along with Sociology, not really excited about it, ASL, and Tai Chi. I'm excited for ASL and Tai Chi; they should be pretty easy classes. I'm a little nervous about Microbiology and Chemistry though; not because I don't think I can be successful at them, but because I'm worried about taking two labs again!!!
I've also discovered how much I LOVE biology!!! Everything about it is amazing!!! I especially love genetics; I haven't studied enough about it to know anything besides the basics, but what I have learned is great!!! I love knowing about alleles and how they work. I guess I'm just a nerd like that, but everything about it is so fascinating!!!
Okay, I'm done being a nerd.
Besides all the classes I need to take, I have to do research and leadership opportunities. Volunteering is really the only kind of extra curricular activity I've taken part of so far, but I think it'll be my favorite one even after I take part in others. Taking care of those kitties really makes my day; I love spending time with them and making them happy. I don't think there's anything I enjoy more.
I also love my own kitties. They are a lot of fun. Stevey likes to clean his little sister, and she gets so mad she starts attacking him!!! They play all day, cuddle at night, and attack my hubby's feet in between. I'm so glad I adopted Stevey three years ago, and Bonnie (Bon Bon) five months ago. She's the cutest kitten ever; she chirps like a little bird and loves to knead my hair.
I admit it, I'm a crazy cat lady. <3
One of my dreams is to be able to have tons of no-kill animal shelters all around the country. I would like for it to be all around the world, but that's way harder. I would like for it to happen eventually, even if I'm not alive to see it. That's one of my end goals, but for that, I need to get through medical school first.
I'm very excited about med school. I can't wait to learn all the things that will make me a great doctor!!! Of course, before that, I need to get accepted into one. I'm very excited to learn about the brain and how to help people once I become a neurosurgeon. I'm very, very excited.
I just want to help people. <3
Okay, I'm done rambling.
Good night and happy Thanksgiving. <3
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